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Ephesians 4:23-24 …In With The New Self
but you are being renewed by the spirit in your mind What does it mean to be renewed by the Spirit in our mind? The phrase “be renewed” means “to […]
Out with the Old Self, In With The New
Eph 4:22-23 Paul has reminded the Ephesians, and us that our walk, how we conduct ourselves is critical to our health as Christians you were taught that you (should) put […]
The Truth of a Changed Life
Ephesians 4:21-22 Last week, Paul described how the Ephesians, and we used to conduct ourselves, as sinners, just like all the rest, in futility of mind, doing just what we […]
Eph 4:17-19 Walk Like Jesus, Not Like the World
Now that Paul has urged us to grow together in expressing love toward one another, he now tells us how: in walking as Jesus walked, in looking to His example […]
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Worship Service 10:00am
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Prayer Time 9:00am