Matthew 6:10 It’s important to understand the meaning of the phrase “The Kingdom of God”, because it was central theme of Jesus Christ’s preaching and teaching. The phrase ‘Kingdom of […]
Jehova-rophe Jehova-rophe (ro’-phay) means Jehovah Heals. And it’s not just healing like we often think of it—a healing of some physical or mental malady. It’s a word that means to […]
Hallowed be Your Name The word hallow means to sanctify or to revere. To regard as pure, consecrated, venerated. It is the Jewish practice to omit the name of God […]
9 “Pray, then, in this way: ‘Our Father, who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Prayer is our biggest need after Salvation, since it’s how we communicate with God. It […]