
Sunday services at Mountain Valley Church of God

  • Law and Grace, Faith and Works

    1st John 3:4 Christ, the Fulfillment of the Law To understand our position, with relation to the law, as Christians, it helps to look at Jesus our example.    He said, […]

  • Sin is Lawlessness and Lawlessness is Sin

    4 Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness. First John 3:4 says, “Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness.” The word translated […]

  • We Will Be Like Him

    1 John 3:2-3 Beloved–John begins here, with “Beloved”, conveying how dear these churches are to him. Now —John is emphasizing that our status as Children of God is not something […]

  • New Year’s Resolutions

    A resolution is “a firm decision to do or not to do something. It is an act of will. But the big question is:  Who’s Will?  The New Year(s). The […]

Worship Service 10:00am
Children's Classes 10:00am
Prayer Time 9:00am