No Favoritism (mp3) God accepts those who: _________ Him and do what is _______________. THE GOSPEL THAT IS FOR EVERYONE! Jesus was killed by being _________ on a cross; buried […]
VISION CORRECTION (MP3) Acts 10:1-33 In Caesarea there was a man named Cornelius, a Roman centurion in what was known as the Italian Regiment who was: 1. DEVOUT 2. GOD-FEARING […]
Return To Peter (MP3) Acts 9:32-43 As Peter goes from place to place, he looks for a way to Minister Aid to Suffering Hearts, someone who needs a miraculous touch […]
Blind Ambition (MP3) In verses 1-2 Saul was so blindly consumed to erase any followers of Jesus Christ that he asked the high priest to write letters to support his […]