Fasting & Prayer

The Challenge: Join with the church family through March 23 in abstaining from some food type, or an activity that is in your everyday routine, in order to set aside time to Pray!

Suggestion: If you cannot go without eating because of medications or dietary restrictions then sacrifice TV, cell phone, or computer time.

Encouragement: Fasting – which is going without everyday foods or activities in order to spend time in prayer is a rewarding experience. It focuses your prayer time, teaches self-discipline, proves you can live with less earthly goods and distractions and helps you value God’s gift of love. Endeavor to make these next few days a sacrificial tribute to the work of love done for you on the cross. I promise you will receive the blessings of self-sacrifice, discipline and a greater awareness of God!

Pastor Don

Worship Service 10:00am
Children's Classes 10:00am
Prayer Time 9:00am