Week 4: The Prepared Heart

Mark 4:8-9, 20


In the past few weeks we’ve talked about:

  1. We’ve talked about the seed which fell by the _______ and likened it to ________ hearts.

  2. We’ve talked about seed which fell on ________ ground and likened it to _____________ hearts.

  3. We’ve talked about seed which fell among _________ and likened it to a __________ heart.

We noted that the _________, the Word was the same, but the soil, the _____________ of the heart, was different.

At the end of the day, the difference between these soils was fruit.

Today we’ll talk about the ___________ heart which produces __________.


Other seeds fell into the good soil, and as they grew up and increased, they yielded a crop and produced thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold.” And He was saying, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”

The word seeds here is _______.

Time has passed. __________ has occurred.

A ________ has been produced.

The explanation

The __________ is of the same kind for all of the hearts/soils.

The condition of the __________ that’s different in each of the 4 soils.

Planting Seeds

For most, it takes _____________ exposures to the Word of God before we “get it”

Persistence of God

Greek word translated “draw” is helkuo, which means “to _________”

______ does the drawing to salvation;

Persistence of the Sower

God does the calling, but he allows us to ________________, to have a part in the ministry.

Abide in Jesus

First, abide to Grow in __________________ with Jesus

God expects a _____________!

Second, abide to produce ________

The need for workers in the harvest.

The harvest is ______________ but the workers are ______ (Mat 9:37).

Pray the ________ of the Harvest to send out ____________. (Mat 9:38).

______ sends the workers

Now is the time for Harvest

Look at the fields, they are _________ for harvest.

The witness of one person about Jesus

Many believed because of the word of one ______________ woman who witnessed.

30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold harvest

God can bring __________ in the midst of ___________.

“He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”

We limit the ____________, not God

The church is preparing for a harvest.

Has the __________ message found a lodging place within your heart and do you live it?

Are you bearing _________ to the glory of God as you should?

If there is no change in your heart, there will be no ______.

It’s only the _________________ heart that produces a __________, and it’s _________-time.

Worship Service 10:00am
Children's Classes 10:00am
Prayer Time 9:00am