Parable of The Sower Week 3: The Crowded Heart

Mark 4:7, 18-19


Well this week we’re going to talk about the ______ heart.

There’s an old saying that says whomever the Devil cannot make _______, he will make ___________.


The plant of our spiritual walk is _________ out by _______.

Crowded hearts are full of ________ from the path that God has for us.

The explanation

Things enter in

This _______ to our Christian walk is from things that belong ________ our heart, that we let get a __________ on our heart.

Thorns are part of the curse.

After Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit God cursed the ground in Genesis 3:17-19 and said “Both __________ and thistles it shall grow for you;

Thorns are part of the curse. They are a _________ of Man’s sin.

Thorns grow slowly

The process of these distractions gaining a hold on our heart can be __________, insidious.

Worries of the world

Sheep, not Oxen

Sheep are not __________ ____________ animals.

We’re not supposed to be loaded down with _____________

Recipe for Peace

In Philippians 4:6

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Children don’t worry because they’re ____________ for.

Lack of Trust

Worry is a great disturber of our Peace, and is at it’s heart, a lack of ___________ in God

Deceitfulness of riches

Riches aren’t necessarily a problem. __________ in riches is.

Riches make a Christian walk __________.

Desires for other things

The world is full of ___________ from our walk with God.

People think that they are too busy for ________.

Good things, not the best things

Even ________ things can be a distraction

What is the result?

Choke the word

Making things of the world the priority takes God off His throne in our lives

It de-emphasizes the importance of what God has to say

It _______________ the influence that the __________ and the _____________ should have.

Becomes unfruitful

The (super) natural result of sanctification is to produce __________.

Impede our walk

These distractions __________ our spiritual walk.

So what is the answer?

Weed the garden

Remove encumbrances

Let us also _________ every encumbrance, everything that hinders us.

Change our perspective

Let GOD have his ________ place in our heart, not these things.

Fix our eyes upon Jesus

Fix our eyes upon Jesus the _______ and ________ of faith

Crown of thorns

Jesus has paid the _______ to be our Lord and Savior on the cross, he has paid the price to __________ these thorns in our lives.

Worship Service 10:00am
Children's Classes 10:00am
Prayer Time 9:00am