Our Women’s Ministry goal is to minister to the women of our church and women in the community.
How we accomplish this:
Bible study/prayer time
Every Wednesday morning at 10am in our fellowship hall (Noble Hall)
Bible study taught by Donnalee & Prayer time led by Patti.
Fellowship events:
Monthly lunches at various restaurants in the area usually every 3rd Thursday
Summer time fun events usually on the 3rd Saturday in the months of June, July and August. (in place of ladies lets do lunch in the summertime) includes picnic at the lake, pizza party and fun, ice cream social and a movie.
These will change from as the need arises
Charitable support: supporting a school or helping out a needy family: every year the women do a Christmas outreach to help out a person or family that might need a little extra to make their Christmas a little merrier and we put together a care package for shut ins.
We do an Easter snack table every Easter Sunday
When able we have a ladies tea and testimonies
Fund raisers
Yearly blessing sale: looking for either helpers or a new fund raising ideas when needed